Body Strength and Stamina
Increased body strength and physical stamina are the most obvious
benefits of practicing yoga. Muscles and joints grow stronger. The
increased muscle tone and improved posture makes you
feel more attractive and the increased metabolism and lose of
excess weight help you be more attractive.
Yoga also concentrates on flexibility. This is one of the major
differences between yoga and other forms of exercise. A flexible
body is a more comfortable place in which to live. The muscles and
joints are more resilient to the jolts and shocks of everyday
life. This can help you prevent accidents and injuries
Reducing Everyday Aches and Pain
Repetitive movements and postures from your daily life cause many
of your aches and pains. Your habits of sitting, standing,
driving, working, typing, or housework create the body in which
you live. By treating your body to new and ergonomically-correct
activities, you can correct and compensate for other less-healthy
physical habits.
Rehabilitating and Healing Injuries
Yoga used therapeutically can rehabilitate and heal problem areas.
Select exercises that do not re-injure already weakened areas and
then use appropriate exercises to strengthen the injured area.
Yoga also includes opening up to "healing energy." Be
patient. Problems usually do not arise instantly. Instant
solutions are rare.
Stress Reduction and Relaxation
One of the most common complaints of modern life is stress. An
estimated 60% to 70% of all illnesses are stress-related. Stress
contributes to the wide-spread diseases of our century -- heart
disease, high blood pressure, and cancer. Reducing stress reduces
the incidence of these killers. Plentiful rest, a healthy diet,
and proper exercise are three ways to minimize the ill effects of
stress. Yoga is a fabulous stress-reducing exercise system. Not
only does it temporarily reduce stress, but as the nervous system
gains strength, your long-term stress level declines.
Better General Health
This age-old science benefits you in ways that are not obvious
to the naked eye. Breathing exercises better oxygenate the blood,
cleanse you of toxins, and give you healthier skin. The physical
exercises increase circulation and improve the function of your
organs and glands. The nervous system gains strength and
resiliency. Digestion and elimination function more efficiently.
In addition, the immune system is pumped up to increase your
over-all level of health and well-being.
Mental and Emotional Benefits
Yoga makes you feel good. It is an opportunity for introspection
and inner awareness. A good yoga session gives you a more positive
outlook on life, a sense of balance, and a feeling of internal
harmony. Greater mental performance and clarity gives you a
clearer sense of priorities.
can be meditative practice that
quiets the busy mind. Moving meditation~ "listening"
to the body's signals... feeling your body get
stronger, squeezing out tense muscles, calming down, observing the
body correctly aligned and free of tension. Fully experiencing the
simplicity and relief of just being in the present moment. A
quite focused mind allows for more clarity in
your personal prayer life or your chosen path.
Most importantly, your yoga practice
is something that you do just for yourself. It is a personal
affirmation that you are a worthwhile human being, worth spending
time with, and worthy of being cared for.