~New to Yoga ...no worries~ | |
Destin Yoga by the Sea offers classes for all to start practicing yoga now. Beginners are joining in weekly... Yoga can help you reconnect with your energy, bring every cell and muscle back to life, lift your heart! A yoga class gives you time to be with yourself every week -- observing, learning something new, feeling your body get stronger, squeezing out tense muscles, calming down . . . and experiencing the simplicity and relief of just being the "essential you" for an hour and a half. Don't worry about keeping up or the perfect pose we all had to start somewhere! |
Be kind to yourself and have a sense of humor!
Beginners are welcome to any class level 1-2 or 1-3. These classes will offer modifications for the newcomer while introducing more advanced variations and more fluid transitions meant to excite the new and returning student with the endless possibilities. Now that even though this is a class, it is encouraged to be a self "practice". This is not like a Step or jazzercise class were all are "doing" the something. You may notice some taking a child pose brake to rest and reconnect with the breath or others off in a crazy looking pretzel pose or adding in extra Chaturanga's (tricep push-ups). If find yourself out of sink with the rest of class no worries, we all may vary breath rhythmus and some transitions from pose to pose are best to move into at your own pace. Take extra time if needed or desired in a pose or skip a pose that may not be right for you in the moment. Unsure what to do or losing control of the breath, find Down Dog or Childs Pose and ease yourself back in the "flow" when ready. If you find yourself on the opposite leg, don't "think" you are "doing it wrong"... just even out on the next round. Classes are never pre-planed by the teacher but evolve with the energy of the class and from class to class students will observe there own energy levels vary from class to class, some poses coming with more or less ease. So just enjoy the moment!
Never judge yoga or yourself, on the first few classes... in-time intuitions will kick-in and you will find "your" place.
If you need to leave early...no problem...take a moment and close your practice with a calming pose. |
Remember that we all have unique body types with different life experiences. Listen to "your" body (not your mat neighbor's body that may have her foot wrapped around her head) and learn to follow the modifications given by the teacher that make the pose most enjoyable for you. Get the most out of classes by working at the level that works best for your body type or injuries and limitations you may have. Never be afraid or embarrassed to come out of a posture before others do or before being told to do so by the teacher. If you are feeling pain or discomfort back off or come out of the pose. Everyday your body will have a different endurance level and your yoga practice will help to increase your awareness of this. If your breath becomes to rapid or mind to scatter allow yourself a brake to reconnect mind, body and breath by resting in a relaxing pose. Enjoy yourself and have fun with your yoga "practice". Explore- expand, mind- body and each class will come with more ease. Most important... stay in the present moment with your practice… this will magically carry over into your daily life creating clarity, balance and joy for yourself and for others you come in contact with. |
Private Sessions available to get stated Holy Yoga for the Christian path